Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Mike McPadden's nonsense in South Carolina

Mike McPadden keeps talking about "Sound Money" which is something that only a small fringe element believes in.  Here is a better explanation of it from a legislator in South Carolina who thinks just like Mike.  This is a recipe for  making his candidacy a laughingstock.  Sadly, this is just one of many of Mike's ideas that just don't make good sense.

We agree that this country needs to stop this policy of Obama and Perriello to mortgage the future of our children and grandchildren but Mike's way is just not a good way. 

South Carolina Rep. Mike Pitts has introduced legislation that would mandate that gold and silver coins replace federal currency as legal tender in his state.

As the Palmetto Scoop first reported, Pitts, a Republican, introduced legislation this month banning "the unconstitutional substitution of Federal Reserve Notes for silver and gold coin" in South Carolina.

In an interview, Pitts told Hotsheet that he believes that "if the federal government continues to spend money at the rate it's spending money, and if it continues to print money at the rate it's printing money, our economic system is going to collapse."

"The Germans felt their system wouldn't collapse, but it took a wheelbarrow of money to buy a loaf of bread in the 1930s," he said. "The Soviet Union didn't think their system would collapse, but it did. Ours is capable of collapsing also."

The lawmaker believes that a shift to an economy based on gold and silver coins would give the state a "base of currency" should that collapse come. As one expert told the Scoop, however, his bill would likely be ruled unconstitutional because it "violates a perfectly legal and Constitutional federal law, enacted pursuant to the Commerce Clause of the U.S. Constitution, that federal reserve notes are legal tender for all debts public and private."

In addition, since gold and silver regularly fluctuate in value, they could not easily function as stable currency.

But Pitts maintains that his state is better off with something he can hold in his hand and barter with as opposed to federal currency, which he described to the Scoop as "paper with ink on it." He says he resents what he considers the federal government's intrusions on states' rights.

Though he did not offer a timeframe, Pitts told Hotsheet that he anticipates a nationwide economic collapse "if our federal government continues the course it's been traveling under the previous administration and this administration."


  1. does McPadden say that our current system of paper money is unconstitutional or just unwise?

    if we just quit spending money, we would be worlds better off.

  2. He says it is unconstitutional. This is just one of the many ideas that Mike has signed onto that make no sense. More to follow.

  3. i'm not saying that i am a constitutional scholar by any means. but i do know that making a determination of constitutional v. unconstitutional takes some study. maybe McPadden has studied. or maybe he is a constitutional scholar. barack obama is.

  4. McPadden is about the same type of Constitutional scholar that Obama is. He will be an embarrassment debating this kind of stuff with Perriello. Just remember what Tom did with the Fair Tax two years ago making it seem wrong when it really is a great idea.

  5. Will the Real 5th stop writing and start reading American History and the U.S. Constitution! Your ignorance is showing! Or are you a Progressive/Socialist, maybe an elitist? Whatever your believes the truth is our money isn't sound, hasn't been since we left the gold standard back in 1976. What is a dollar bill worth, if you say a dollar you are missing the point. I can buy a car or a house for a dollar. If the seller agrees of course. So what is a dollar worth? Whatever two people agree it is worth. There is no gold backing it, no silver nothing except the phrase; "full faith and credit of the United States". That phrase and a dollar would get you a smile from Starbucks, sorry no coffee for a buck there.

    BTW Our President understands the Constitution, he doesn't like it. Mike McPadden understands it and believes in the principles of our Constitution. Mike McPadden wants the Federal Government to return to their core responsibilities. This isn't difficult to understand, even for the real fifth!

    Why does a private company never receive cash from the Federal Government, only gold? What company is it?

  6. cardinal- It is clear you have drunk the same Kool Aide that McPadden has. This sound money thing is a joke and Perriello would destroy McPadden about it. BTW, has Mike found another manager yet ? What is the real disagreement with Joshua ?

  7. Is this blog all about gossip or are you really wanting to better America and the 5th District?

    Drunk? Who is drunk? You are the one long on name calling and short of facts! You appear to know nothing about our money, don't understand the term "Sound Money" or seem to care. Then attack those that do understand, that do know about our U.S. Constitution and our founding principles. Who drank the Kool Aid? Look in the mirror real 5th. BTW calling yourself the real 5th, is that Scotch next to your keyboard or a Pale Ale?

  8. Anon- better known as cardinal

    Are you afraid of what the real difference between Joshua and Mcpadden was? McPadden has told several stories to different people about it and Joshua's story is different than McPaddens. I believe Joshua.

    For the blog readers, why don't you explain, I hope better than McPadden does, what the whole "sound money" kool-aide is all about ? Maybe you won't make people's eyes glaze over like Mike does.
