Saturday, January 16, 2010

McPadden Wanderings

With reports in from Franklin County and Danville it seems McPadden is making some nice visits but no one is coming to see him.  According to reports, he had fewer than ten show up at each visit.  Can you run a campaign long when you get this kind of attention ?  Nice guy running the campaign but no real money we bet and no future of drawing bigger support in his travels.


  1. Any update since the first debate?:

    McPadden seemed to be the only candidate who could consistently go beyond the question.

    Consider the moderator, Robert Tracinski's comment:

    "I don't think it's appropriate for me to endorse one of the candidates just yet. But I was not alone in the view that McPadden turned in one of the strongest performances of the night."

  2. Let's face it. MCPADDEN was in home court.
