Friday, January 15, 2010

Hurt's fundraising

A very interesting report and surely Ken Boyd's will be equally good.  All of the others who have little or no financial report have issued more off the mark attacks but what the heck, they have been that for months.

You can read Bill Hays attack garbage or some other more reasoned reviews.

How "I want to buy this seat in Congress" Verga and " I know nothing" Bill Hay can attack this report is amazing.  I guess when you have no positive ideas and no support from the grassroots, that's what you do.


  1. ken boyd's fundraising might be good because he lives up there with a more affluent population. i'm not knocking that at all: Republicans need all kinds of donors.

    meanwhile, Hurt had fundraisers in the "little", rural, & grassroots parts of his district. and managed to raise close to $300,000. not too shabby.

  2. So this blog must be run by Tucker Watkins and Chris LaCavita's?? Billy Hay maybe a hack but this site has no room to talk.

    Hurt is Cantor's puppet- nothing more, nothing less. Tucker, this blog doesn't make up for how bad you botched Virgil's race and got us into this mess in the first place.

    I be very interested to see how much of Hurt money came from the 5th district.

  3. Bill Hay's blog posts total lies and he never corrects anything. Everything here is the truth. Big difference.

  4. I would be interested to see the breakdown of Hurt's donors. I imagine that his daddy, Eric Cantor, brought in a bunch of that money for him considering he did throw a fundraiser for him. If he's getting money from Cantor, a RINO if i ever saw one, we can only expect him to be among this "new breed" of republicans (Scozzafavva, Collins, Snowe) who think higher taxes and wealth redistribution ought to be part of the party platform. They whole lot of them sound like bleeding heart liberals to me.
