Despite what Bill Hay, who is on the campaign team for Lawrence "the Constitution is flexible" Verga writes, the grassroots of the GOP spoke loudly and clearly yesterday in Appomattox. They rejected the politics of the backroom deal and went instead for an open election.
Verga, who is spending almost as much of his time DC as in the district these days, has hired a high dollar image firm to get him on conservative talk shows so he can try and beat up on Robert Hurt. Verga, who just moved to the district and who has never helped in any way in a single GOP race until he decided to run, has decided that he can buy his way into Congress. It was the Laura show where Verga flubbed the Constitutions question that his PR firm had gotten him placement on.
Bill Hay has set up a debate under the name of the Jefferson Area TEA party. How proper is it for Hay to run such an event, especially since he has chosen Rob Schilling, whose PR firm has taken 20K from Verga as the moderator. What a bunch of garbage. Every other candidate should skip this debate. There is no way Hay and Schilling intend to be fair. What would Hay say if Ken Boyd had John Pudner organize a debate ?